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sexta-feira, 20 de agosto de 2010

Game ~ Transformice

Transformice! is an independent French free online multiplayer flash game created by Tigrounette in which each player controls a mouse. The basic point of the game is to get a piece of cheese located somewhere in the level and take it back into a mouse hole. The mice are assisted by one or two "Shaman" mice with powers to summon and attach together items such as planks, anvils, boxes to help the mice reach the otherwise inaccessible cheese. There are thousands of people who play the game.

The game features over 90 maps, each with their own unique obstacles and a time limit. The cheese gathered can be then used to purchase clothing and gear from the shop that the mice can wear. Collecting certain amount of cheese can also allow a change in the rank of the mice, which appears under the player's screen name in-game. A chat box allows communication between the players, with an included friending system to see which rooms friended players are in. The game is an on-going project and new features are added along the way.

Let's play? ~ French ~ English ~ English2 (Used when the EN server get full) ~ Russian

~ Rick,

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